After a successful 2024 Raffle the BSC made donations through out Bruce County.
Like Shriners through out the world the Bruce Shrine Club works hard and raises thousands of dollars in support of our philanthropy Shriners Children’s Hospitals. Our club also has a tradition of giving locally and this year we are donating to our local Hospitals, Hospices and The Salvation Army.
Port Elgin Rotary Club President Katie Rice & Noble Mike Polzl draw tickets for the BSC 2024 Raffle.
It was an exciting evening at the Bruce Shrine Clubs September dinner meeting. With the help of special guest tickets were drawn and winners announced.
- 1 Ticket # 77 Alan Jones – Masonic Commemorative Riffle
- 2 Ticket # 291 Bro. Steve Shanahan – 1 One Week Cayman Island ($2000.00 travel voucher)
- 3 Ticket # 75 Bro. Dwayne Baltzer – Griffith Island Summer 2025 Wind& Dine
- 4 Ticket # 90 Andrew Dykeman – Ron Post Carving Set in Presentation Box
- 5 Ticket # 230 W. Bro. Mike Harley – Ray Fenton Turned Decorative Bowl
- 6 Ticket # 102 Don Suter – Mike Murray Charcutier Board
President Ken Ritz presented Secretary Noble Bill Blackwell with the Bruce Shrine Club Shriner of the year award for his efforts in making the 2024 raffle the huge success that it was.
President Ken also presented Noble Mike Polzl with a special certificate in appreciation for his work on and generous donation to the 2024 BSC Raffle.
President Ken with Dr. Paul Moroz Orthopedic Surgeon at our BSC 2023 Christmas Party.
Doctor Moroz gave a very interesting and inspirational talk and slide presentation about his time working at our Shriner’s Hospital in Hawaii. Doctor Moroz was part of the team that provides specialty care and orthopedic and rehabilitation services to children in Hawaii and the Pacific Basin.
Noble Dave Busch awarded Bruce Shrine Club – Shriner of the Year by President Steve, Noble Dave stepped forward at every opportunity to lend a hand and support the BSC.
The Bruce Shrine Club had a fun time volunteering with the Port Elgin Rotary’s “Hello Summer Expo“
It was a big event at the Plex in Port Elgin with fun for kids and family during the day and live music in the evening. Nobles and our ladies were able to help out and enjoy the festivities.
The Bruce Shrine Club once again made donations to 5 local hospitals and 3 hospice in our area.
As a Shriners we fundraise to support Shriners Children but every year a portion of monies raised goes to support our local Health Care Providers. It is a thank you to the community that supports our efforts and the local health care system that looks after our members and their loved ones.
The Totals are in and more than $70,000.00 has been donated to Shriners Hospital Montreal through Kilometres for Kids. Thank you Noble Alex Rauket, your amazing team and all shrine clubs across Southern Ontario who made this possible. A special thanks to the Cambridge Shrine Club for their donation of $15,000.00
Please join us in welcoming our newest Bruce Shrine Club member, Noble David Pellow, Dave was initiated during our visit to the Cambridge Shrine Club on June 25 . It was a wonderful meal and Fellowship hosted by the Cambridge Shrine Club finalized by Nobel David’s initiation ceremony. The pictured above is Noble David Pellow with one of his sponsors on the left, Noble David Inglis.
Noble Frank Eagleson awarded the Potentates Award by Potentate Randy MacNevin and past Potentate Dylan McClay.
There are only 5 these awards in a year and are at the discretion of the Potentate. Noble Frank received his award for all the contributions he has made to Shriners, Mocha and especially the Bruce Shrine Club.
The Bruce Shrine Club has lost a noble of our club and brother in Masonry with the passing of Joe Ryan. Joe will be sadly missed as he was a great supporter of the BSC. A noble that was always there to help out at a fundraiser and join in the fun at our parades. Joe Ryan was our man in Paisley and very much a of member of the Bruce Shrine Club family.
Joe Ryan, a familiar face at Bruce Shrine Club outings. Missed but not forgotten.
Nobles of the Bruce Shrine Club are saddened by the passing of our 1st vice president Dave McCallum. Bruce District and BSC has lost a very excellent and well known and liked Noble and Mason. Dave’s accomplishments within the Hanover Masonic Lodge and the BSC are too numerable to list here. Suffice it say that both institutions are far better off because of Dave’s hard work and understanding. Dave always met you with a smile and left you with a smile. He will be remembered as a good man and an example of what Mason and Shrine could and should be.
Bruce Shrine Club is pleased to present cheques for $500. to each of the 11 hospitals and hospices in the Bruce catchment area.
This is in addition to the $25,000. presented to the Shriners Hospital in Montreal to furnish a new examination room.
Bruce Shrine Club members attend 10th Anniversary Canada Shriners Hospital Invitational Golf tournament in Montreal.
BSC president Noble Ken Ritz and Hospital Chairmen Ron MacLennan represent our club at the event that raised over $700,000.00 for our Montreal Shriners Hospital. Nobles Ken and Ron were able to meet celebrity Shrine Hospital patient Kaleb who was serving up the lemonade, tour the Montreal Hospital and present a $10,000.00 cheque on behalf of the Bruce Shrine Club. It was a prestiges event and we were well represented.